Elevating Lesson Study (LS) Quality in Indonesian Higher Education: An Evaluation of Results

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Paldy, et. al.


This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the LS program at university level. The results of the evaluation can be used to revise and improve the quality of the LS, especially the quality of learning and professionalism of lecturers. Evaluative research was used to analyses the implementation of the LS as a whole, starting from aspects of context, input, process, and output: by conducting interviews with the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF) and the Head of the English Education Study Program (EESP), by giving an open questionnaire to 16 lecturers and 45 students, and by identifying the video recording learning process. Based on the criteria for the success of the LS, the results of the evaluation show that the implementation of the LS has not fully achieved its maximum potential, there are several weaknesses related to the process and output aspects, such as the lack of consistency and commitment of lecturers as observers. The quality of learning has been found to be in the process of improving. The results of this evaluation become a practical guidance to the university stakeholders in order to develop the implementation of the LS program to deliver better quality in the future. Comprehensive analysis on four aspects of the implementation of the LS with reference to the program success criteria as a guideline and basis for determining the results of evaluation of LS implementation in all tertiary institutions


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How to Cite
et. al., P. . (2021). Elevating Lesson Study (LS) Quality in Indonesian Higher Education: An Evaluation of Results. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 5181–5191. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i13.9704
Research Articles