Radiological characterization of Nahrawan site in Baghdad governorate using portable radiation devices

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Basim H. Essa, et. al.


Radioactive contamination occurred at the Nahrawan site as a result of the use of the US military depleted uranium in the war of 2003, which led to contamination of a certain area of this city. The aim of this study is the characterization of contaminated areas in the AL-Nahrawan site using portable exposure Geiger miler devices and the surface contamination is measured by Radeye AB100 (ZnS(Ag)) scintillation detector Alpha-Beta Contamination Monitor from a thermos. It was found that the values of the surface contamination ranged above the background the values of surface contamination are 0.46 to 50.9 Bq/cm2 and the values range of radiation exposure are 0.016 to 1.823 m R/hr.  The average dose rate is (0.104mRad / hr) and the average surface contamination is (2.88 Bq/cm2). The radiation exposure and surface contaminated survey are using to draw the radiological map for the AL-Nahrawan site in order to determine the contaminated area and values of radioactive waste in the AL-Nahrawan site.


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How to Cite
et. al., B. H. E. . (2021). Radiological characterization of Nahrawan site in Baghdad governorate using portable radiation devices. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 3539–3547.
Research Articles