Analysis of Various Optimization Techniques in Machine Learning

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Harpreet Kaur


Optimization model the goal of solving a task in the paramount way providing the best results and it implies a best view point for solving query or we can also define optimization as a way of probing an another solution with the maximum cost efficient and utmost practicable performance under the required constraints, by increasing the preferred factor and reducing the unprefferable ones. This increase provides the utmost result or inference without any obstacles or complications. In this paper, various optimization techniques with respect to image processing are studied, where image processing deals with certain tasks and they are Image segmentation, image compression, image enhancement, image restoration (in painting).This paper provides basic knowledge of some optimization techniques.


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How to Cite
Kaur , H. . (2021). Analysis of Various Optimization Techniques in Machine Learning. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 472–482. Retrieved from
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