Historical Review: Athletics and Heroic Sports Encouraged and Played at Islamic period and Greek

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Saja Khalid Jasim, et. al.


The paper is highlighting the athletics and heroic sports which encouraged and played at Greek and Islamic period. The paper is identifying the Islamic athletics and heroic sport and compare them with Greek sports, as it is the model of sports while the sport during the Islamic period was not undertaken by scientific researches or articles even in Wikipedia. Although, this period was encouraged and practice many sports such as archery, sword grappling  and wrestling, equestrianism, jogging and running whereas there are many Arabic references revealed during the Islamic 610 A.D. while the Greek and Olympic was known at 732 A.D. The paper is followed the literature review and historical to shied a light scientifically about traditional sports as well introduce these sports to readers which might some people do not know them. Finally, the paper has indicated that there are similarities between the Islamic period sports and Greek period in many points.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. K. J. (2021). Historical Review: Athletics and Heroic Sports Encouraged and Played at Islamic period and Greek. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 4337–4342. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i12.8347
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