The Effectiveness of the Model Employability Skills Learning Based on Trainer Simulator Air Conditioner in Vocational High Schools

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Yunesman, et. al.


The rate of unemployment growth in the province of Riau Islands is very high. The unemployment rate, particularly for SMK, is 12.98%; about 8,959; for SMA, 10.91% or about 7,530 people. The issues are poor work ethics, insufficient problem-solving strategies, critical thinking skills, the ability to work and the consistency of business performance, just skills which are deemed good enough. This thesis seeks to ana-lyze the efficacy of a Vocational High School Air Conditioner Job Simulator Learning Model. The study design was quasi-experimental, applied to learning in the experimental and control lessons. The study included students taking the Air Conditioner course. The method used was the Efficiency Test. The find-ings showed that the student performance test results with the Employability skill learning model based on the trainer simulator air conditioner were higher than the results of the work-oriented training performance test. Thus it can be inferred that the use of the Air Conditioner Simulator Employability Skill Learning Model is more efficient than learning on a work basis.


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How to Cite
et. al., Y. . (2021). The Effectiveness of the Model Employability Skills Learning Based on Trainer Simulator Air Conditioner in Vocational High Schools. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 770–779.
Research Articles