Assisting Blind People Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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Ephzibah E.P, et. al.


In this project, Machine learning techniques  are applied in order to assist blind people by detecting real time objects and the distance between the objects and the camera. The application will be prompting the user about the object which is very close to them for avoiding collision.In this project objects are detected with the help of tensorflow lite and result is passed to the user in voice mode.In this Application user can also perform certain actions to know their current location,time etc. User will be opening the application using the “OK GOOGLE” command,which opens the application ,the camera gets open and starts detecting the objects and telling the user regarding the closest object to them with the relative distance using TTS (i.e voice command) . In between User can also perform different operations like knowing time ,locations etc just by performing different gestures on the phone.      


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How to Cite
et. al., E. E. . (2021). Assisting Blind People Using Machine Learning Algorithms . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 3162–3170. Retrieved from
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