Enhanced Effective and Privacy Preserving Multi Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage Using Blowfish Algorithm

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Ch. Chakradhara Rao, et. al.


The data owner administers their data to the public cloud due to regulatory. Even this data encoded once it easily transmitted to the cloud. In order to ensure the privacy and security, cloud subscribers need a very different type of online data. This specific information must be germane to the recipient's query. The user to inspect the query too in the cloud with umpteen keywords can accomplish this. With the intention to defend the privacy of data, confidential data encoded before subcontracting by the metadata owner, attempting to make the traditional and efficient plaintext keyword search tactic pointless. Therefore, it is crucial to explore a secure data search service for encrypted user data. Due to the growing of massive number of digital users and legal documents in the cloud, umpteen keywords forced in the search request and documents returned in the order of their relevance to these keywords. Cloud assistance end-user demands cloud information by various paternoster inquiry, which labelled as umpteen keyword stratified exploration over scrambled information. In the cloud server, all the client inquiries exchanged. Server looks through the significant matter by utilizing the harmonic equivalency and sends the applicable outcomes to the client. Information got from cloud server is in the scrambled configuration. To get to control to the client, Information proprietor furnishes with key for unscrambling of information. Message Authentication Code (MAC) calculation is utilized to check and confirm trustworthiness of information. Thusly this paper depicts the method of giving security to redistribute information on cloud and checking the trustworthiness of information using blowfish algorithm. Comparison results shows the improvement in efficiency of Data Retrieval and Time efficiency.


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How to Cite
et. al., C. C. R. . (2021). Enhanced Effective and Privacy Preserving Multi Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage Using Blowfish Algorithm. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 31–39. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/2740
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