Implementation in Direct Digital Synthesizers (DDS) Based on CORDIC Algorithm

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Nitesh Kumar Sharma, et. al.


The universality of computerized signal handling (DSP) has made expanding request to create territory effective and precise structures in completing numerous nonlinear math tasks. One such design is CORDIC unit which has numerous applications in the field of DSP including actualizing changes dependent on Fourier premise. This paper offers structure of CORDIC, inserted with a pipelined unit that has exclusively negligible scope of adders and shifters. It tends to be applied in pivot mode as appropriately as vectoring mode. The reason for the arrangement is to get a pipelined CORDIC unit keeping up the format of valid calculation. Preparing and discussion structures work CORDIC in round organize contraption and in both of pivot or vectoring modes.


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How to Cite
et. al., N. K. S. . (2021). Implementation in Direct Digital Synthesizers (DDS) Based on CORDIC Algorithm . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 3161–3165. Retrieved from
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