Reinforcement Learning in Robotics: Challenges and Applications

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Omprakash Singh
Vishnu Kumar Barodiya
Abhishek Paridwal
Aman Makhija


Reinforcement Learning (RL) is at the vanguard of robotics revolution, allowing machines to learn and make choices in complicated environments. This paper explores the symbiotic dating between RL and robotics, focusing at the challenges and programs that shape this interdisciplinary area. The dialogue makes a speciality of the fundamental standards of RL and its integration into robotics, elucidating the specific demanding situations encountered on this merger. The research covers the space among simulation-primarily based schooling and real-world applicability, navigating hardware obstacles, and addressing safety concerns, organising a comprehensive view of the challenges encountered when deploying RL for robotic systems. This paper also offers insights into the various programs of RL in robotics, inclusive of self sustaining navigation, item manipulation, healthcare, and business automation. It investigates how RL algorithms assist robots navigate complex environments, gain item manipulation dexterity, and contribute to healthcare improvements and industrial optimization. Case studies exhibit the software of RL in robotics by means of highlighting a hit implementations and demonstrating the transformative capability of this aggregate. Finally, this paper outlines future instructions, paving the way for persisted innovation and emphasizing the importance of bridging the theoretical advancements and real-international deployment in RL-driven robotics.


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How to Cite
Singh, O., Barodiya, V. K. ., Paridwal, A. ., & Makhija, A. . (2020). Reinforcement Learning in Robotics: Challenges and Applications. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(2), 743–745.
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