Mathematical Aspects of Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Review

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Badri Vishal Padamwar
P. Hema Rao


Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field that relies heavily on mathematical principles and techniques. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of the mathematical aspects of machine learning, focusing on key concepts and their applications in various machine learning algorithms. We begin by discussing the basic concepts and terminology of machine learning, followed by an exploration of linear algebra, calculus, probability theory, and information theory in the context of machine learning. We then present case studies and applications of machine learning in image recognition, natural language processing, recommender systems, and autonomous vehicles. Finally, we discuss the current limitations of mathematical models in machine learning, emerging trends in mathematical research, and the ethical and societal implications of machine learning. This paper aims to provide a foundational understanding of the mathematical principles underlying machine learning and their significance in advancing the field.


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How to Cite
Padamwar, B. V. ., & Rao, P. H. . (2020). Mathematical Aspects of Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Review. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 11(1), 1679–1685.
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