Experience Modelling For Ubiquitous Computing: A Mathematical Approach

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Nalini A. Mhetre et al.


In ubiquitous computing environment, nodes communicate in dynamic, heterogeneous and distributed environment. Support for wireless technologies further extends the association between devices to interact with each other. For mobile nodes, many a times associations are volatile in nature. There is always a risk associated with such transactions when there is no experience and trust with each other’s' reputation. From security perspective, there is requirement of a proper mechanism to build trust and experience so that nodes can interact with each other for safe sharing of their resources. So far, several trust and reputation models have been proposed to secure the such communication. However, important factor ubiquity exhibiting mobile nature of node and its impact on trust and experience is not much investigated.

In this paper, experience model for ubicomp nodes has been proposed. The novel concept of ubiquity and impact of access network type on trust relationship is presented. This model calculates experience score for a node using ubiquity and other parameters like history, reliability and transitivity. Further, experience model is formulated and evaluated with mathematical approach. Evaluation results show that model effectively calculates experience score of the ubicomp node with respect to parameters considered. This experience model can easily be incorporated with various self-regulating access control systems.


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How to Cite
et al., N. A. M. (2021). Experience Modelling For Ubiquitous Computing: A Mathematical Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 5476–5488. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i6.9735
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