Developing Teacher Preparation Programs in the Faculties of Basic Education According to The Times Classification

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1Doaa Abbas Abdul-Kadhim Al-Hasnawi, et. al.


T The current research aims to “develop teacher preparation programs in the faculties of basic education according to the Times classification through Standing on the reality of the teacher preparation system in the faculties of basic education in Iraq, and getting acquainted with the reality of the teacher preparation system in some universities that are included in the international classifications, specifically the Times Classification And determining the similarities and differences between the teacher preparation system in Iraq and the systems of those universities, as well as developing recommendations and proposals that can be used in developing teacher preparation programs in the faculties of basic education.

In the study, the "descriptive-analytical approach" was used, as this method relies on the study of reality, and is concerned with describing the phenomenon that he wants to study in an accurate description, but it is not limited to describing the phenomenon, and collecting information and data about it, rather, this information must be classified and organized, and expressed quantitatively or qualitatively, so that this leads to an understanding of the relationships with other phenomena, and to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was prepared that was classified into criteria and indicators affiliated with the aforementioned classification. And its validity and reliability were confirmed, and the study sample consisted of (65) university professors who were supervising the preparation and teaching of teacher programs at the College of Basic Education / University of Babylon / in Iraq. represented by the arithmetic mean, percentage, (K2) test, and correlation coefficient.

Among the most important results of the discussion and analysis of the questionnaire tools are:

1- Preparing the primary school teacher (basic) in the academic and professional aspects according to the criteria of the international classification chosen for the development of his programs.

2- Working on improving and developing the efficiency of the teacher’s performance in the basic stage.

3- Capacity development and training opportunities on modern technologies.

4- The developed teacher preparation program should push the student teacher to self-learning in the various fields of knowledge.

In light of the presentation of the most important results of the research, the study suggests some of the following recommendations:

  • Reconsidering teacher preparation and training programs, as it is the driving force of the educational process in line with the requirements of the times.

  • Develop educational curricula in line with international classification standards.

  • Inviting the private sector to contribute to the financing of educational programs and various school activities.

  • Establishing training centers for teachers affiliated to the colleges of basic education in Iraq, whose objectives are determined in planning, designing, implementing, and following-up programs in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education.

  • Establishing graduate offices to follow up and develop them professionally by sending graduate files to inform them of the latest developments in the profession and provide them with new programs, courses and workshops to join them.


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How to Cite
et. al., 1Doaa A. A.-K. A.-H. . (2021). Developing Teacher Preparation Programs in the Faculties of Basic Education According to The Times Classification. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 3529–3538.
Research Articles