Nimbus: A Modern Solution For Server Management

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Jyoti Mishra, et. al.


As NodeJS have taken a face in order to serve the client and server by using concept of API and REST API after the elixir and phoenix framework. As there is a large gap between these two services that are holding back the servers. So, we have come up with an solution to cover that gap by using some addons. As we all know that node have limitations like It can’t handle multi-threaded tasks & also doesn’t have support to handle very high computationally intensive task over servers. That gap has been filled by elixir but there are less developers and that framework need some more experience in that same framework. Our solution is simple we are using Rust that is newly introduced language with powerful concepts and can be used to fill the gap by using it as an addon with NodeJS. On top of that server, we are building an android application as well to show a proper server client model. Application Description: The era of mobile technology opens the windows to the android app and websites are vanishing and the mobile phones are emerging. It’s the time to change from conventional websites to app, which has become the part of our daily routine. We are introducing an android application software which would help in time consuming and other things. It is type of app in which if any person is outside and want to get anything which will be available outside, with the help of this app the person will be able to get to know by seeing what I want to purchase from outside with the help of request-based features of this application.


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How to Cite
et. al., J. M. . (2021). Nimbus: A Modern Solution For Server Management . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 5075–5079.
Research Articles