Bio Inspired Approach for Generating Test data from User Stories

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A.Tamizharasi , et. al.


In Agile model where the software prototypes are developed frequently and also rapidly, testing becomes more critical. Generating an effective Test case for complex system is a challenging task involved in software testing. The major research challenge in this area includes the test case generation with limited resources, identifying the essential functional requirement that plays a crucial role and automation of the test case generation process. To solve this issue, a hybridized bio inspired approach is proposed to generate test cases from the user stories which accepts the business requirements as input, processed using NLP and develop functional test cases from it. The proposed algorithm is compared with other existing algorithms and the experimental results proved that the proposed algorithm is more efficient in many cases.



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How to Cite
et. al., A. , . (2021). Bio Inspired Approach for Generating Test data from User Stories. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 412–419. Retrieved from
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