The Minimum Edge Dominating Energy of a Triangular Book and A Globe Graph

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A.Sharmila, et. al.


Let G be a simple graph of order n with vertex set and edge set           . A subset  of  is called an edge dominating set of G if every edge of           is adjacent to some edge in .  Any edge dominating set with minimum cardinality is called a Minimum Edge Dominating set [1]. Let  be a minimum edge dominating set of a graph G. The Minimum Edge Dominating matrix of G is the m x m matrix defined by

The characteristic polynomial of  is denoted by

The Minimum Edge Dominating Eigen values of a graph G are the eigen values of.  Minimum Edge Dominating Energy of G [13] is defined as the sum of the absolute values of the Minimum Edge Dominating Eigen values. i.e.,

In this paper we have computed the Minimum Edge Dominating Energy of a Triangular                Book B(3,n) [11] and a Globe graph Gl(n) [12].  In this paper we have considered simple, finite and undirected graphs.


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How to Cite
et. al., A. . (2021). The Minimum Edge Dominating Energy of a Triangular Book and A Globe Graph . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 3702–3707.
Research Articles