Image Segmentation with Machine Learning

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A.Praneetha, et. al.


As a human we have a powerful brain which is trained to identify and classify things what our eyes perceive in fast and efficient manner. Because our brain is trained in a way to analyze everything at particular level. This helps us to easily find an Apple from a bunch of Oranges. In artificial intelligence, computer vision is the field of training computers to explain to recognize and understand the visual world that humans follow. Image segmentation can provide more detailed information about the shape of the image, which is an extension of the concept of object detection. Through image segmentation, the model can easily detect objects, humans and things. Image segmentation is an important concept in computer vision and image processing. Its application areas include augmented reality, robot perception, medical image analysis for disease detection, video surveillance cameras, board defect detection, and image compression


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How to Cite
et. al., A. . (2021). Image Segmentation with Machine Learning. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 3248–3255.
Research Articles