Network-Attached Storage: Data Storage Applications

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Ravi Kumar M G, et. al.


This paper is a work on completely backing up disk files on client server/cloud drives. This paper contains objectives, introduction, literature review, methodology, hardware and software required, application and references. NAS (Network-attached storage) is a data storage, which is connected to a computer network. NAS acts a file server in a network, offering data storage to be located in a stand-alone network, which client computers can be connected. NAS can be seen as a computer drive (via ethernet) and as such, it can be used to save documents and files and as well as read them.NAS is specialized for serving files either by its hardware, software, or configuration. It is often manufactured as a computer appliance – a purpose-built specialized computer. NAS systems are networked appliances that contain one or more storage drives, often arranged into logical, redundant storage containers or RAID. Network-attached storage removes the responsibility of file serving from other servers on the network. As businesses and industries keep growing and technology is advancing the need for drivers for accessing data quickly has become a necessity, hence many drivers have been introduced and implemented in different fields as this paper adopts those concepts. As to any situation or a gift of science , there is always two sides to it, yes, pros and consequences. NAS systems will always have a growing and increasing potential as long as technology continues to grow for the need of storing large amounts of data and also the desire of accessing them quickly for a smooth and efficient working space. 


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How to Cite
et. al., R. K. M. G. . (2021). Network-Attached Storage: Data Storage Applications. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 2385–2396.
Research Articles