University Fitness Center Data Analysis Discovers Interesting Patterns And Allows Prediction

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R.M.Noorullah, et. al.


Data is being used more and more to make daily life simpler and safer. Applications like waiting time forecasting, traffic forecast, and parking quest are excellent examples of how data from various sources can be used to make our lives easier. In this analysis, we look at a data base that is underutilised: university ID cards. In several campuses, these cards are used to buy food, gain access to various locations, and even take class attendance. In this post, we assess use of the university fitness centre using data from our university and develop a predictor for potential visit frequency using data from our university. The work contributes in many ways: it highlights the data source's diversity, demonstrates how the data can be used to enhance student services, uncovers fascinating patterns and behaviour, and acts as a case study for the whole data science process.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. . (2021). University Fitness Center Data Analysis Discovers Interesting Patterns And Allows Prediction. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 2242–2248.
Research Articles