Development Of Indicators For Competency Of Coaching Teachers Of The Student Teachers In The Faculty Of Education

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Malai Pradabsri, et. al.


The objectives of this research are 1) to develop the indicators for competency of coaching teachers of the student teachers in the Faculty of Education and 2) to test the consistency of the model measuring the coaching competency of coaching teachers of the student teachers in the Faculty of Education created and developed with the empirical data. There is a mixed research methodology. The qualitative research was conducted by studying related documents and researches and interview with 5 qualified persons. The instrument used in the research was a study document form, in-depth interview form to analyze data through content analysis. For the quantitative research, the samples used in the research were 350 coaching teachers of the students in the 5th year of the Faculty of Education, Central Group Rajabhat University, obtained through multi-stage sampling. The research instruments were 60 items of coaching performance questionnaires with an IOC from 0.60 - 1.00 and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient from 0.572 -0.914. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Analysis, and second-place assertion analysis by computer software.The research results revealed as follows: 1)The development of indicators for competency of coaching teachers of the student teachers in the Faculty of Education consists of 3 main elements and 9 indicators. The 1st element is the facilitator competency in 3 indicators; providing advice, encouragement, and inspiration, providing learning management information, providing media, technology and learning resources. The 2nd element is hearing competency in 3 indicators; listening to information, counseling and teaching work such as Kalyanamitr and Karos. The 3rd element is executive competency in 3 indicators; joint targeting, co-planning, and supervising learning management, co-observing and reflecting on the results. 2)The validity of the coaching competency model of coaching teachers of the student teachers in the Faculty of Education is verified by analyzing the second-order confirmation element. The model was found to be consistent with the empirical data (chi-square 30.65, df =83, p = 0.07, RMAEA =0.03, GFI = 1.00, AGFI = 0.96).


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How to Cite
et. al., M. P. . (2021). Development Of Indicators For Competency Of Coaching Teachers Of The Student Teachers In The Faculty Of Education. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 1869–1874.
Research Articles