An Design and Exploration of Chaos in Non-Linear Electrical Subsystems

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Rasika Manapure, et. al.


To perform the nonlinear concept of mechanized subsystem chaos is very much needed which give rise to possible certainity In this work, we will evaluate prime example frameworks of common differential conditions using integrator for electrical system in  diffent domains stage of the Rossler model. A framework shows consistent  time and gain  and is clarified bynonlinear equations and condition. We will evaluate its qualities , decide the boundaries that tends to various conduct to framework yield, intermittent, semi occasional and Chao modelss


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How to Cite
et. al., R. M. . (2021). An Design and Exploration of Chaos in Non-Linear Electrical Subsystems . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 1697–1700.
Research Articles