Reed Solomon and Convolutional Code for Underwater Acoustic Communication

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Salma S Shahapur, et. al.


Underwater atmosphere is a capable expertise that reconnoitres the instantaneous data assembly for several requests. Though, underwater frequencies are disposed to errors, and categorized by spread delays, semi duplex messages. In underwater communication to achieve significantly consistent communication, we offer IDMA OFDM MIMO performance to alleviate the vanishing glitches. Simulation outcomes with grouping of BPSK modulation technique and Reed Solomon coding taking several interleavers Helical, Matrix and Random Interleaver remained examined. To progress the BER recital numerous modulation such as QAM, QPSK and BPSK are shared with algorithm such as Convolution coding and BPSK and Matrix interleaver method progresses expensively BER presentation.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. S. S. . (2021). Reed Solomon and Convolutional Code for Underwater Acoustic Communication . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 1243–1249.
Research Articles