Optimization of engine emissions and performance of a dual-fuel engine using producer gas

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Pradipta Kumar Dash, et. al.


The researchers around the globe are trying to overcome energy crisis by developing suitable alternative energy source. In this work, performance of a diesel engine running in dual-fuel mode using producer gas was optimized by Grey-Taguchi technique. The variations in engine load, producer gas flow rate (PGFR) and biodiesel blend percentage were investigated to observe their influence on brake thermal efficiency, un-burnt hydrocarbons and smoke opacity. The obtained result shows that, optimal factor setting with 80% engine load, 10% blend of biodiesel and PGFR at 21.49 kg h-1 gave the best result for the selected responses. Analysis of variance determines the relative contribution of engine load, biodiesel blend percentage, and PGFR were found to be 75.1, 5.12, and 7.83% respectively. This indicates that, variation in engine load has the highest contribution on the desired output responses as compared to biodiesel blend percentage and PGFR.


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How to Cite
et. al., P. K. D. . (2021). Optimization of engine emissions and performance of a dual-fuel engine using producer gas. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 878–886. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i12.7478
Research Articles