Navigation Of Health Services Location On The Android-Based Using Location-Based Services

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sariyun Naja Anwar, et. al.


Location-Based Services (LBS) is a concept where its context is modeled on location. Location-Based Services can be accessed on the mobile device through cellular network ability and by using geographical position of mobile devices. By using latitude and longitude from Global Positioning System (GPS), the user can get information a location in accordance with GPS. This research will develop navigation applications for the community that requires guide in the routes towards and locations of health services in city of Semarang. It is based on the literature review that the community does not know all of the locations of the health services because such information is insufficient. The application developed is preceded by a phase of conducting analysis for user requirements including analysis of the ongoing system, analysis of the findings of interview as well as identification of information necessity and system requirements. The designing phase is focused on the Graphical User Interface design of mobile device and Web Admin design. Our design method uses case diagram, Activity diagram, Sequence diagram, and Class diagram. The research has resulted in an application which can give the facility knowledge of the layout and geographic positions nearest to the health service located around the users with supporting information through mobile based Android. This application is based on mobile application and web services with programming language Java, PHP, XML and use MySQL.


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How to Cite
et. al., sariyun N. A. . (2021). Navigation Of Health Services Location On The Android-Based Using Location-Based Services . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(12), 635–643.
Research Articles