Development Of Addressed Design Solution For Men's Suits

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Rasulova Mastura Kabilovna, et. al.


The article is devoted to the targeted design of men's suits, analyzing the results of the study of measurement values ​​for the targeted design of men's suits based on the analysis of the results of 30 main measurements from 400 respondents aged 18 to 35 years in Tashkent and regions, studying the body structure and size. and a size and height scale table was compiled for indigenous men aged 18 to 35 years. An addressable design system for different shapes of men's suits has been developed. It was found that the differences between them vary depending on the body position and as a result affect the front and rear parts of the item.Methods of clothing design for the targeted design of men's suits were analyzed and the optimal method was recommended.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. M. K. . (2021). Development Of Addressed Design Solution For Men’s Suits. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 7012–7018.
Research Articles