Semi-Autonomous Vehicle for Pot Hole, Humps with Possible Collision Detection and Avoidance Using Image Processing

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Manjunatha B G, et. al.


The maintenance of the road is one of the significant issues in the developing countries. Identification of potholes and humps not only help drivers to keep away from disaster but it also alerts the concerned authorities about the presence of potholes on which required measures should be taken to eliminate it. Accidents due to pothole and hump and sudden interference of obstructions on the road are a cause of majority of road accidents in India and in many other developing countries. The problems due to potholes increase to a greater extent especially in bad weathers and at night and when driver is new to the road. It is necessity of people to have well maintained roads to be able to avail a safe travel. Our aim is to build a vehicle which is capable of identifying potholes humps and movement of humans or animals on the road at a distance and alerting about those to the driver in order to reduce accidents. An HD camera along with an ultrasonic sensor and IR sensor is used in order to provide necessary data from the real world to the car. The semiautonomous vehicle is capable of reaching the given destination safely and intelligently thus avoiding the risk of accident. Many existing algorithms like potholes, humps, lane, animals, human detection, traffic signal and sign detection are combined together to provide the necessary control to the car.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. B. G. . (2021). Semi-Autonomous Vehicle for Pot Hole, Humps with Possible Collision Detection and Avoidance Using Image Processing. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6963–6973.
Research Articles