AES Based Enhanced Technique with Reduced Time Complexity

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Nishant Agnihotri, Aman Kumar Sharma


Lately, security has been emerging as the main issue for a plethora of web-based and other applications. The level of vulnerability of data is growing at two different levels, server security, and data transfer security respectively. While server security is handled by the firewall and other technologies, data transfer security is handled by using various cryptographic techniques. Symmetric data encryption and non-symmetric data encryption are two prime techniques used in cryptography. In the proposed research, an enhanced symmetric key is used for encryption purposes to ensure the integrity of data. Furthermore, this paper has proposed an enhanced AES-based algorithm that is capable of enhancing throughput without tampering with the security parameters of the existing technique. It has been found after implementation of the proposed system that the computation time for the proposed system has improved by 25% and 14% respectively for the mentioned test cases compared to the existing AES algorithm.


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How to Cite
Aman Kumar Sharma, N. A. (2021). AES Based Enhanced Technique with Reduced Time Complexity. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 3525–3534.
Research Articles