The Natural disasters features, effects, and ways of coping with Arabs before Islam

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Jinan Ahmed Abdulaziz


In our ancient Arab history folded pages full of great historical events, which formed a fertile material for researchers, but they did not mean their study and interest, and perhaps natural disasters, such as torrents, earthquakes and volcanoes, and the ensuing drought, desertification, droughts, famines and deadly epidemics, caused various physical and physical damage to the Arabs among the most prominent; therefore, This study came to shed light on this hidden and submerged aspect of the history of our Arab nation in its ancient ancients times. We looked at the magnitude of the dangers, the great tragedies, the suffering and the effects that the Arabs suffered before their Islam.


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How to Cite
Jinan Ahmed Abdulaziz. (2021). The Natural disasters features, effects, and ways of coping with Arabs before Islam. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5866–587.
Research Articles