The Empirical Study On Employee Engagement: A Study Of Diverse Workforce

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Radhika.T, et. al.


Employee engagement is a dynamic task for a company to achieve. It has been much more difficult with today's dynamic workforce. A community that encourages employee participation is beneficial because it recognises the importance of a multi-generational and multi-cultural workforce. An company that recognises the interests of each individual person while inspiring them to achieve their individual objectives is deemed a better place to work.

The current research focuses on the interests of several people as well as the organization's goals. Understanding Generation Y's unique characteristics, desires, and aspirations, which are critical in today's setting, is emphasised. Understanding how Generation Y workers act and what motivates them, as well as how they vary from Generation X employees, is often emphasised. In addition, racial and regional diversity are taken into account in this paper. Better results are achieved by organisations who are attentive to their workers' needs and able to assist them in their growth.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. . (2021). The Empirical Study On Employee Engagement: A Study Of Diverse Workforce. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5713–5718.
Research Articles