Development of IoT Sensor for Pepper Adulteration Detection using Sensor Arrays

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G. Punit Rao, et. al.


Adulteration is an act of degrading the quality of food by means of adding harmful substances to the nutritional food substances. As adulterants are being used more sophisticatedly, it has become difficult for consumers to detect the adulterants in food. It can happen at various stages, from production to processing, storage to transportation and conveyance. The current adulteration detection techniques are very complex, not portable for real time testing, expensive and equipment are laboratory based. Also, these techniques use destructive sensing method. To overcome the issues, this paper reports how papaya seeds which are a common adulterant present in pepper are sensed with sensor monitoring system using machine learning while also making sure the whole system is cost-effective and portable at the same time. Subsequently, to take care of the above-said issue this paper is proposed to design a low-cost portable IoT sensor for pepper adulteration detection in real-time.


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How to Cite
et. al., G. P. R. . (2021). Development of IoT Sensor for Pepper Adulteration Detection using Sensor Arrays. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5538–5545. (Original work published May 10, 2021)
Research Articles