Organic Farming Model of Paddy Rice Production with Environmental Efficiency in Thailand

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Sujinna Karnasuta, et. al.


The research studied on system and management of the whole process of the organic rice farming practices in the local community farmer with a livelihood that having adherence to the sufficiency economy philosophy. The establishment with philosophy studied on the frame for hypothetical constructs to explain why certain farmers following organic agriculture in Maechan District Chiangrai Province upheld the sufficiency economy principles in their way of life as vested by the high attainments of sufficiency in spiritual, social, economic, environmental, and technological terms because of the inherent self-reliant food security and input supply features of organic farming and then their belief in the potential of sufficiency  economy approach to help them save production costs and  daily life consumption expenditure. Organic rice does not cause climate-driven impacts. In the end, these would help solve their problems effectively. Not only the communities became strong and a very reliable foundation but also paved ways to the sustainable development of the country.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. K. . (2021). Organic Farming Model of Paddy Rice Production with Environmental Efficiency in Thailand. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 3066–3074. (Original work published May 10, 2021)
Research Articles