Assisting visually impaired people by Computer Vision- A Smart Eye

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Arun Kumar Ravula, et. al.


According to statistics of WHO (World Health Organization), there are nearly 1 billion visually–impaired people worldwide and among these majority of them are completely blind. The proposed system will help such people to guide through their path, which does object detection and object recognition using image processing and deep learning techniques. It also provides distance of that object from the camera. All the detected objects are speech processed using text to speech API and are speak out to the user for assistance. These 3 features can be provided through a single phone, which reduces costs and complexity, and enhances the practicality of the application. The results obtained from the proposed application boosts the confidence level and comfort level of the blind; in this way they become more independent.


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How to Cite
et. al., A. K. R. . (2021). Assisting visually impaired people by Computer Vision- A Smart Eye. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 2118–2124.
Research Articles