Comparison of Classification Methods used in Machine Learning for Dysgraphia Identification

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Sarthika Dutt, et. al.


Dysgraphia is a disorder that affects writing skills. Dysgraphia Identification at an early age of a child's development is a difficult task.  It can be identified using problematic skills associated with Dysgraphia difficulty. In this study motor ability, space knowledge, copying skill, Visual Spatial Response are some of the features included for Dysgraphia identification. The features that affect Dysgraphia disability are analyzed using a feature selection technique EN (Elastic Net). The significant features are classified using machine learning techniques. The classification models compared are KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors), Naïve Bayes, Decision tree, Random Forest, SVM (Support Vector Machine) on the Dysgraphia dataset. Results indicate the highest performance of the Random forest classification model for Dysgraphia identification.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. D. . (2021). Comparison of Classification Methods used in Machine Learning for Dysgraphia Identification. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 1886–1891.
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