Action Recognition Using Deep Learning And Cnn

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Mihir Verma, et. al.


Automated action recognition using Deep learning and CNN is playing a vital role in today‘s day to day society, it may be video action recognitions through cctv, or it may be the smart homes. Now day’s human actions are used in many devices to control them like HoloLens VR, for that recognition of action is important that why video recognition. This Paper represents practical, reliable, and generic systems for video-based human action recognition, technology of CNN network is used to recognize different layers of the video images features. These features are obtained by extracting the features from different layers that are through the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network).


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How to Cite
et. al., M. V. . (2021). Action Recognition Using Deep Learning And Cnn. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 818–824.
Research Articles