Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Physical and Psychological Health ofHumans

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Shaik Johny Basha, et. al.


A severe and typical respiratory disease broke out in December 2019 named SARS-CoV-2, also known as Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019). The most problematic habituate with this disease is spreading from human-to-human through various ways such as split, food sharing, etc. Due to the fast-spreading and untouchability of this disease, it started spreading faster than the earlier conditions. It made the people sit in the home for an extended period, like a minimum of 3 months. This pandemic situation caused the various countries to lockdown their industries and informed their employees to work from home (based on the possibility). This pandemic situation significantly impacted the health status of the people affected by Covid-19 and ordinary people who were thinking continuously regarding this. In this paper, we have collected the data from various people and performed analysis on the features that caused the people to scare (who affected by Covid-19) and ordinary people (who thought of about affecting, job-related, etc.). Our analysis of affected and non-affected people realized that 80%-90% of the affected people thought about their family (including parents, spouse, children), jobs, not having physical exercises. The non-affected people thought about the financial constraints (including job, home needs, loans, etc.). We have analyzed the above features along with various features that impacted the human physical and mental status in this pandemic situation.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. J. B. . (2021). Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Physical and Psychological Health ofHumans. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 4688–4697. Retrieved from
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