Increasing security measures in ATM Transactions using NFC

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Trisha Saha, et. al.


Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a helpful method to gather the financial necessities of the clients. Notwithstanding, the utilization of charge bank card or different kinds of bank cards during bank ATM exchanges has a few issues like inclined to bank ATM skimming, attractive segments of card getting harmed, assembling and carrying cost of ATM cards, longer an ideal opportunity to validate clients and so forth The target of this examination is to think about smart mobile phone in Near-Field Communication (NFC) Card Emulation approach as an option in contrast to ATM bank cards. In NFC the space between the particular gadgets should be little (regularly under 4 cm) which makes NFC perfect for building expenses and different exchanges including delicate/private information. In the proposed framework, to validate at the ATM booth, the client needs to swipe his/her advanced mobile phone before the NFC per user. An ATM card isn't needed for verification and the framework will in any case have a more grounded protection contrasted with the framework where the ATM card was utilized. Security examination and danger demonstrating appeared in this paper features the security strength of the framework during verification.


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How to Cite
et. al., T. S. . (2021). Increasing security measures in ATM Transactions using NFC. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 4612–4622. Retrieved from
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