IntelligentAttackDetectionModelinlotusingOptimal Feature SelectionincorporatedwithOptimized DeepLearningArchitecture

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Chandra Shekhar J M, et. al.


Attacks  and problem recognition within the Internet of Things (IoT) foundation is an increasing worry in the environment of IoT.Within the expanded utilization of IoT framework in each space, dangers and assaults in these foundations are additionally developing comparably. Some attacks like node tampering, malicious code injection, malicious node injection, DoS Attacks, Malicious scripts such assaults and inconsistencies which can cause an IoT framework failure. In this study deep learning architecture models were compared to attacks and anamolies on the IoT frameworks that could be predicted.Themainphases ofthe proposedanomalyorattackdetection model    are     Feature   Extractionand   Detection. Infeatureextractionprocess,the attributesinthe datasetisconsideredasfeatures,which arelike  SystemID,SystemAddress,SystemType,SystemLocation,DestinationService Address,DestinationServiceType,DestinationLocation,Accessed NodeAddress,Accessed Node          Type,        Operation,         Value,         Timestamp,        and        Normality. Since thenumbersoffeatureare high,which increasesthe lengthofthefeature  vector, optimalfeatureselectionprocesswillbedevelopedtoextractthe mostsignificantfeatures withuni.queinformation.Finally,theoptimizedDBN(Deep Belief Network)categorizesthedataintonormalas wellasattacks,anddetectseachcategoryofattacks.


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How to Cite
et. al., C. S. J. M. . (2021). IntelligentAttackDetectionModelinlotusingOptimal Feature SelectionincorporatedwithOptimized DeepLearningArchitecture. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 4407–4411. Retrieved from (Original work published April 28, 2021)
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