Smart Garbage Tracking System

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Mrs.P.Bhavani, et. al.


A new age of computing called the Internet of Things (IoT) is used to connect devices through the internet. It is a huge network which gathers information such as how they are used , where they are operated and their surroundings. The process of collecting the waste is not done in the efficient manner some bins would be left out without collecting the waste and sometimes even though the bin overflows with waste it will be collected only at the scheduled days.

This may lead to diseases like malaria ,dengue etc. The existing system used RFID, GIS, GSM technology to pass the information of the garbage bin to the garbage collecting truck driver. Rather than sending messages through text ,viewing the information in google map will be more efficient. Using IoT technology, a smart living concept called smart garbage tracking system is implemented. This system was an integration of technologies such as IOT, Android, GPS and Google API. We can overcome social issues such as overflow of dustbins, control the spread of bacterial and viral infections and also empower SWACHH BHARAT mission.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. . (2021). Smart Garbage Tracking System . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 3218–3225. Retrieved from
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