Automated Attendance System and Voice Assistance using Face Recognition

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P.Bhavani, et. al.


 In this work we propose a Live Attendance Marking System for institutional purpose. This system will enable the department to mark the attendance of students automatically by recognizing their faces. The system is based on the face detection and recognition algorithms and automatically recognizes a student whenever he/she comes across the camera module. Further after the recognition, it automatically updates his/her attendance in the Cloud web server database. The basic architecture and all the algorithms used in the model are described in the paper elaborately. Moreover in order to evaluate and enhance the performance of the system many of the filter functions are used which provide the capability to capture and recognize the images even in dull and low light places. This project also suggests the technique to ensure that a student can mark the attendance only once in a day. The live attendance system is much more efficient to traditional attendance systems both in saving time and in maintaining the database.


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How to Cite
et. al., P. . (2021). Automated Attendance System and Voice Assistance using Face Recognition. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 3207–3217. Retrieved from
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