The Analytical Hierarchy Process of Decision Support Systems in Choosing Learning Models

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Zulfi Azhar, et. al.


Learning model basically it was form of learning that was described from beginning to the ending that was typically presented by the teacher. With words another, the learning model was a wrap or frame of the application of an approach, method, and learning techniques. The achievement of a teacher's learning goal required a model learning. The learning model used by the teacher must be able to foster students' abilities for various learning objectives. learning models could help educators to be able to develop academic potential in the cognitive and intellectual realms of their students. Various innovations were needed in the teaching and learning process to produce a conducive teaching and learning situation learning objectives could be achieved. The learning process was planned and implemented as a system, the learning process would occur when students interact with the environment designed and prepared by the teacher and it was more effective when using methods, strategies, approaches, and models, appropriate and efficient learning. In selecting the learning model at STMIK Royal Kisaran, there are several criteria and alternatives that have been selected in this study. From several criteria and alternatives, it is necessary to use a method that is able to perform calculations to obtain a solution. Several criteria and alternatives need to get the highest priority value which must be preceded by the implementation in addition to the ranking priority below. In selecting the learning model in this study using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Where this method could analyze with several criteria and alternatives in selecting the best learning model. that were determined through the calculation process


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How to Cite
et. al., Z. A. . (2021). The Analytical Hierarchy Process of Decision Support Systems in Choosing Learning Models . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 2278–2285. Retrieved from
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