Analysis of factors affecting Student performance Evaluation using Education Dataminig Technique

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J.Malini, et. al.


Every year students success rate was analysed by the Educational Institutions to develop their Academic standard. To identify the success rate many kinds of techniques are used such as statistics, physical examination and currently ongoing datamining techniques. Data mining Techniques was widely used in many fields, it is also used in the Educational environment known as Educational Data Mining (EDM). Educational data mining generate prototype in solving the research problems in students data and used to locate the unseen patterns in the students detailed dateset. This paper uses the EDM to characterize the distinct factors affecting the students performance by making predictions with efficient algorithms. Educational professionals have to identify the causes for the student failure in academic performance and the students not succeed in completing their education which becomes a social problem these days. The machine learning algorithms help the researchers for evaluation of student’s learning habits, their academic performance and added enhancement if required. This paper would discuss different kinds of algorithms to analyse the economic background of the students which mainly affects the students performance. The dataset was utilized from the UCI Repository of secondary school students performance and analysed using the Weka tool for the datamining process.


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How to Cite
et. al., J. . (2021). Analysis of factors affecting Student performance Evaluation using Education Dataminig Technique . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(7), 2413–2424. Retrieved from (Original work published April 20, 2021)
Research Articles