MSD Tool: An Automatically Produced Ontology and UML Diagram for Multi-site Software Development

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Hemant H. Patel, et. al.


One of the core objectives of the software engineering (SE) industry is to find an advanced level of concept and ways of recycling software to upsurge output and quality. Typically, the object is measured to be one or more technologies or artifacts used in the software lifecycle stage, which can be used to accomplish this area. This article provides a document overview, discussion and analysis, and implements a new solution to the automatic generate ontology, UML diagram, Team Management, Document Management, Team Discussion within a tool. We have selected several software development examples (including software product lines, component development, synthetic programming and model-oriented engineering) to classify and discuss different methods and present ontology tool for comparison with our tool which is proposed in the document. The ontology has been establish to be suitable for providing a common terminology


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How to Cite
et. al., H. H. P. . (2021). MSD Tool: An Automatically Produced Ontology and UML Diagram for Multi-site Software Development . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2110–2121. Retrieved from
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