Stable High Capacity Video Steganography in Wavelet Domain

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Urmila Pilania, et. al.


Video Steganography provides a secure way of communication by embedding the secret message inside video frames. Supported by a real-time environment, a significant growth in choosing video as a cover file has been noticed in the last decade. Large concealing capacity, more robustness to attacks, and indistinguishability of cover video and stego video are of major concern for any video steganography technique. In this paper, a novel technique has been proposed to achieve the above-mentioned objectives. Implementation of video steganography in the transform domain inherently contributes to improved robustness. We have embedded an image inside a chosen video file using the Lifting Scheme based on the Haar Wavelet Transform. To achieve increased concealing capacity, the Singular Value Decomposition technique has been applied before the actual embedding task. The proposed work is implemented using the MATLAB environment. The suggested method is then tested and analyzed for its robustness, capacity, and imperceptibility. It is concluded that proposed technique is robust against general video processing attacks, like low-pass filtering, scaling, rotation, transformation, and histogram equalization attacks. Additionally, the values for Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Mean Square Error, Structure Similarity Index Matrix, and Correlation Coefficients were calculated and analyzed as a performance measure of the method.


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How to Cite
et. al., U. P. . (2021). Stable High Capacity Video Steganography in Wavelet Domain . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(7), 2142–2158. Retrieved from
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