Security Exploitation for Online Meeting Applications: Proof of Concept

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Rozahi Istambul, et. al.


With the increase in the demand for online meetings and online learning, there are many security issues and challenges related to it. For example in the year 2020, more than 500,000 Zoom accounts credentials were discovered in the Dark Web due to security exploitation and the default setting used by users. Hence this paper presents a proof of concept for online meeting possible security exploitation by using our developed model called Mobotder for mobile phone. This model is built to detect security exploitation specifically based on geolocation (GPS), permissions, Application Programming Interface (API) calls, and system calls. This model was developed in a controlled lab environment, by applying hybrid analysis and by using open source tools and datasets from Drebin and Google Play Store for training and evaluation. In terms of practicality and as proof of concept (POC), this paper presents the findings for twenty (20) online meeting applications that are currently used worldwide. We discussed in detail how the GPS privacy exploitation occurred and for future work, this model could be used as guidance to defend against malware on a mobile phone.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. I. . (2021). Security Exploitation for Online Meeting Applications: Proof of Concept. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 1785–1792. Retrieved from
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