Slogan Language Styles On Fast Food Advertising

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Heri Heryono


The paper purposed to identify the types of language styles commonly used to advertise the fast food by slogan. The paper was also aimed to identify the style of advertising language and to analyze the function of the data found in the slogan. Sources of data were obtained from the slogans of fast food companies such as: McDonald's, A&W, Subway, Wendy's, Chick-fil-A, Burger King, Red Rooster in countries where English is the official language. The qualitative method was applied as a research method with a descriptive analysis approach, included classifying, analyzing, explaining the data obtained and withdrawing conclusions. The results showed that based on 30 analyzed data, there were 3 types of common language styles used, they were informal language styles (56.6%), colloquial language styles (40%), formal language styles (3.33%). Of the 9 types of advertising language styles, found 3 types used in the slogan of fast food, Soft sell (56.7%), Straightforward (23.3%), Hard sell (20%). Judging from its function, the three functions of language style appeared to convince readers (36.7%), create feelings of heart (33.3%) and reinforce the effect of the idea (30%).


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How to Cite
Heri Heryono. (2021). Slogan Language Styles On Fast Food Advertising. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 1298–1303. Retrieved from
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