Regulation of Lifelong in Education and İts Economic, Social Benefits

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Allahyar Muradov et al.


Sustainability in education is important in ensuring knowledge-based and innovation-driven development and human capital reproduction. Sustainability is particular important for the prevention of some economic and social problems that may arise in the future and raising the competitiveness of the country. Sustainability - the prevention as some of economic and social problems that may arise in the future is of particular importance in raising the country's competitiveness.

The aim of the research is to estimate the economic-social benefits of regulation of sustainability in education and to give the suggestions in the direction of the improvement of the effectiveness of the regulation.

The impact of continuity in education on the formation and development of human capital, knowledge-based society building, labour intelligence, competitiveness and the improvement of welfare are assessed cross-country in the article. In particular, in recent years, researches and politicians have analysed the ‘4th industry’ revolution (‘Industry 4.0’) ‘the benefits and losses in the medium and long-term perspective and its interaction with the sustainability of education. Here are two issues: 1) socioeconomic disadvantages of ensuring sustainability in education, 2) socioeconomic advantages of ensuring sustainability in education. Firstly, it is analysed the impacts of increased unemployment, reduction of employment income, declining social security and welfare that will be resulted as problems on economic development. Secondly, it is analysed (ensuring in sustainability condition) the distinguished factors of rapid technological innovation, labour productivity, repatriation of human capital, raising competitiveness on the international level, innovation-based development, economic benefits of knowledge and skills.


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How to Cite
et al., A. M. (2021). Regulation of Lifelong in Education and İts Economic, Social Benefits. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 1298–1310. Retrieved from
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