Research Intuitions of Asymmetric Crypto System

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Rojasree V. et. al.


The fast moving world full of data exchange and communication technology, with all sensitive information of an individual virtually available anywhere and anytime, make the Internet world more critical in security aspects. The areas of risks are attended and assured to be safe by means of some sought of crypto mechanisms. The strength and vulnerability of the crypto mechanism defines the durability of the system. The encryption on the communication channel can implement either public or private key algorithms based on the area of applications. The public key cryptography is specifically designed to keep the key itself safe between the sender and receiver themselves. There are plenty of public key cryptographic algorithms but only a few are renowned. This paper is aimed to collect all possible public key cryptographic methods and analyze its pros and cons so as to find a better algorithm to suite almost all conditions in Internet communication world and e-commerce. Research in quantum computers is booming now and it is anticipated that the supremacy of quantum computers will crack the present public key crypto algorithms. This paper highlights issues and challenges to be faced from quantum computing and draws the attention of network researchers to march towards researching on quantum-safe algorithms.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. V. (2021). Research Intuitions of Asymmetric Crypto System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5024–5033. Retrieved from
Research Articles