Creation theActivity Modelsfor the New Generation Thai Teacher’s Characteristics Conserved the Environments and the LivelihoodFollowedthe Sufficient Economy Philosophy ofthe Frist-Year Students, Faculty of Education at RattanakosinRajabhat University

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Sommai Pavaboot


Learners realized how to protect,conserve the natural resources and value environments. Their livelihoodfollowed thesufficient economy philosophyand realized to their conscious for changing the globalizations. They must follow the rules of the professional education in 2013 for the self- management standard. The purpose of this research article was to study results of the experiments on creation theactivity models for the new generation Thai teacher’s characteristics conserved the environments and the livelihoodfollowed thesufficient economy philosophy to the first-year students, faculty of education at RattanakosinRajabhat Universityand the different between before and after experiments.This research was used by Randomized Control Group Pretest- Posttest Design.Statistical hypothesis testing wast - test for Dependent Sample andt-test for Independent Sample: Difference Scores.This researchwas found that after the experiment was the higher scores than before experiment. It issignificant at .05. Further Suggestions of this research showed that the activities should be continuously practiced by the learners themselves and adjust to their worthy lives.The teacher’s dutiesmeans providing the facilities, suggestions, inspiration, praise, complementary, making goodness, supporting positive thinking and esteem to Thai social activities and Thai cultures.


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How to Cite
Pavaboot, S. (2021). Creation theActivity Modelsfor the New Generation Thai Teacher’s Characteristics Conserved the Environments and the LivelihoodFollowedthe Sufficient Economy Philosophy ofthe Frist-Year Students, Faculty of Education at RattanakosinRajabhat University. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4846–4851. Retrieved from
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