Analysis of Cyber Threats in the Connection Section of the Control System and Countermeasures Required

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Yangha Chun


In the past, the general practice for the control system network that manages and controls industrial facilities such as electric power, gas, oil, water, chemicals, automobiles, etc. was to install and operate this as an independent system, but over time the practice has gradually shifted toward the use of an open and standardized system. Until recently, most industrial control systems consisted of an independent network, and the possibility of cyber threat infringement was very low. As information storage media such as laptops or USB are connected to the control system for maintenance or management purposes, the possibility of cyber infringement is increasing. When the use of the control system's operational information increases due to beingVinked with the internal business system network or the Internet, countermeasures against external cyber threats must be provided.This paper analyzes and organizes the cyber threat factors that exist in the linking section connected to the industrial control system and other networks, examining domestic and foreign incidents of hacking of control systems to identify the vulnerabilities and security measures for each scenario in the control system network linkage section. Through this analysis, a method is suggested for establishing a control network that secures both availability and security, which are important in the control system, as well as the safe relay system in the configuration of the linkage between the control network and the business network, while addressing the vulnerabilities in the structure due to long-term use of the control system.This study analyzes cyber threat factors and real-life examples of infringements with the aim of providing approaches that will ensure industrial control systems can be operated safely and the risk of cyber hacking threats that occur in connection with other networks can be managed, and suggesting cyber security measures for the control system connection sections.


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How to Cite
Chun , Y. (2021). Analysis of Cyber Threats in the Connection Section of the Control System and Countermeasures Required. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 412–417. Retrieved from
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