Energy Efficient Wireless Sink Node for Monitoring of Snow Environment

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Rajesh Kumar Garg, et. al.


Conventionally, sink node is considered to have large hardware and energy resources; however, many times sink node is working in same conditions as source nodes, especially when deployed for monitoring of the snow environment. In this paper, an effort has been made to practically realize a sink node which is energy efficient and cost effective for monitoring applications. To save energy, the Main Power Module is designed to provide controlled powers to sensors and sub-modules. The paper discusses design aspects of the sink node and its long-term field evaluation with environmental sensors, especially the Snow Depth Sensor of MaxBotix. Field performance of Snow Depth Sensor has been enhanced by Euclidean Minimum Distance filter which improved the correlation of data to 0.997. The proposed design helps to achieve energy consumption of 42.72mWh which is significantly lower than the previous work. The reliable working of the sink node in the long-term field evaluation indicates that snow environment can be monitored at less expense of energy by employing proposed sensors and the specially designed sink node.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. K. G. . (2021). Energy Efficient Wireless Sink Node for Monitoring of Snow Environment. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 1775–1785. Retrieved from
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