Botnet Attack Identification and Mitigation condition Software-Defined Networks Utilizing CNN Algorithm

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Mr. G.Karunakar
Baddam Shirisha
Ankitha Reddy Nagella
Boddu Tanisha Shreya


One new design that makes managing and communicating across large-scale networks easier and more flexible is software-defined networking, or SDN. It allows for the smooth and dynamic execution of complicated network choices via programmable and centralized interfaces. But SDN opens doors for people and companies to tailor network apps to their needs, allowing them to enhance services. On the other hand, it began to encounter a host of new privacy and security issues and brought the dangers of one point of failure all at once. In most cases, hackers use OpenFlow switches to conduct botnets or distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults against the controller. Popular security apps that use deep learning (DL) to quickly identify and counteract attacks are on the rise. Here, we examine botnet-based DDoS attack detection using DL approaches in an SDN-supported context and demonstrate their performance. For the assessment, we utilize a dataset that we just created ourselves. In order to choose the most useful subset of characteristics, we used weighting of features and tuning techniques. Using both a synthetic dataset and actual testbed conditions, we validate the measurements or simulation results. The primary objective of this research is to identify botnet-based DDoS assaults using easily-obtained characteristics and data using a lightweight DL approach with baseline hyper-parameters. We found that the DL technique's performance is affected by the optimal subset of features, and that the accuracy of predictions of the same approach may be varied with a different collection of features. Lastly, our empirical findings show that the CNN approach works better than both the dataset and the actual testbed environments. With CNN, the detection rate for typical flows is 99% and for malicious flows it drops to 97%.


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How to Cite
G., K. ., Shirisha , B. ., Reddy Nagella , A. ., & Tanisha Shreya , B. . (2024). Botnet Attack Identification and Mitigation condition Software-Defined Networks Utilizing CNN Algorithm. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 15(3), 45–57.


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